
SharePoint Elevated: The Benefits of Using PeopleOne in Modern Enterprises

SharePoint Elevated: The Benefits of Using PeopleOne in Modern Enterprises

The modern workplace demands – seamless collaboration, effortless communication, and a truly engaging employee experience. With features like surveys & polls, discussion forums, and an intuitive user interface, modern intranets go beyond the basics such as document sharing and version control. Discover how a modern intranet built on SharePoint can transform your organization. Create a…

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The Comprehensive Intranet Implementation Planning Kit

Are you the C-suite executive or the Department head thinking about implementing a game-changing intranet? Whether you find yourself amid a merger, foreseeing changes, or simply looking to enhance your current intranet, this resource is just for you. Look no further. This planning kit is your compass through organizational complexities, ensuring a smooth journey from

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Mastering M&A Communication: Your Essential Checklist for Success

Unlock success in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) with our comprehensive M&A Communication Checklist! During M&A, effective communication is your secret weapon. Our M&A Communication Checklist is more than just a list – it’s your invaluable roadmap to seamlessly navigate the complexities of M&A communication. From preparing for the big announcement to the crucial post-announcement phase,

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How to Make a Compelling Modern Intranet Pitch to Leadership

Recognizing a pressing need for an intranet in your organization, yet uncertain how to sway leadership and board members? Then, this eBook is for you. Modern intranets are user-friendly, interactive, and employ visuals and gamification features to engage employees. But convincing executives who perhaps experienced the early intranet era may require educating them on the

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From Meh to Motivated: 5 Best Practices for Boosting Employee Engagement

Employee disengagement can disrupt your team’s morale and productivity. Discover the secrets to keeping your workforce motivated and committed in our eBook, “From Meh to Motivated: 5 Best Practices for Boosting Employee Engagement.” Uncover the truth behind common myths about employee engagement, including the misconception that it requires a massive budget. Learn how simple actions

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DIGITAL MATURITY REPORT: The link between culture and digital success

In the ever-changing realm of digital transformation and the modern workplace, it’s not just about the tools you wield; it’s about the culture you nurture.  Our recent digital maturity report, which surveyed 877 digital transformation decision-makers, suggests a link between organizational culture and output from digital tools. It unveils a powerful truth that companies with

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HR and Comms Guide: How to Turn Your Intranet into a Highly Engaged and Productive Platform

According to a Gallup report, companies with highly engaged employees earn 21% more money. Or, consider this fact – disengaged employees cost US companies up to $550 billion a year. This alarming statistic urges the need to boost employee engagement. But how do you do it? Look no further. Revisit your intranet and turn it

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The Definitive Guide for Successful Intranet Implementation

The Definitive Guide For Successful Intranet Implementation

Intranets have been around for decades. However, as the modern workplace expands beyond physical boundaries, a newfound need for intranets has surfaced. According to a survey, 85% of businesses have some form of intranet or employee portal, and 75% believe they are important. An intranet facilitates communication and collaboration between management and employees. Leadership can

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Guide to Engaging Your Frontline Workers in 2022 and Beyond

Guide to Engaging Your Frontline Workers in 2022 and Beyond

Frontline workers are undoubtedly the heart of any organization’s operations. But despite their crucial roles, these brand ambassadors (frontline employees) are the least engaged. Out of the 2 billion frontline workers worldwide, only 13% of them are enthusiastic about their jobs.   Frontline workers do not receive the same level of attention as their office-bound colleagues

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Spark the conversation on Workplace Evolution, and beyond

Get the free e-book The turn of the decade has brought several challenges to businesses across the world, including effective workforce engagement, operations and management. Engaging remote / frontline workers and enabling them to function better in the corporate equation has been one of the biggest challenges. Gartner predicts by 2024, 30% of organizations will

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