Intranet Software for Employee Communication

United We Are Better

PeopleOne is a story about community. We recognize that the world is changing and the people living in it are integrating with their technology. Why is it, then, that traditional workplaces are still using legacy systems with outdated methods of communication, collaboration and connectivity?

One powerful platform - multiple solutions

PeopleOne is a consolidated solution that combines all the elements of a digital workplace under a single roof. Built upon a robust MS365 foundation, PeopleOne empowers all members of an organization to communicate, collaborate, and connect more effectively.

Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

By shifting distributed systems into connected and smart infrastructures, we give organizations the tools they need to build vibrant and resilient corporate cultures, increase profits, and keep stakeholders satisfied.

Our Values

Stay curious and innovative
Give 100%, every single time
Remain humble & respect all
Perform with integrity and transparency
Give back and pay it forward
Invest in building long-term partnerships

Discover how PeopleOne can transform
your organization