Digital solution to manage
Return-to-Workplace complexities

As organizations across the world prepare to bring their operations back to a state of normalcy, the safety of employees at workplace has become an unavoidable priority. Transition to the new normal, while managing employee safety using manual processes is bound to be complex and challenging.

“People1 Care” offers organizations a digital alternative that allows managing return-to-work processes from a centralized application, ultimately enabling a swifter and safer transition.

Manage Return-to-Workplace With Confidence

The People1 Care solution includes specialized applications and a command center console that helps in facilitating a safe return to office for everyone. 

People1 Care offers you the flexibility to customize / adapt employee screening and reporting processes to suit your organization’s needs. 

Digital contact tracing technology tracks employee proximity and generates data that can be streamed in real-time to your business’ command center. 

Leverage data collected by the command center and make informed decisions (isolation, sanitation) on business continuity and employee safety. 

An employee first mobile application has been created that offers a seamless return-to-workplace experience, offering all requisite information for your employees returning back to offices, sans major disruptions. 

The People1 Care solution has been built ready for deployment and activation within days


The Highlights Of Going Digital With People1 Care

Features that are sure to make return-to-work a seamless experience

Fully Mobile

Bring back employees seamlessly, using a mobile platform with email / SMS based invites, and app-based screening assessments & check-in options.

Self Assessments

Pre-built questionnaires to help employees self-screen, and provisions for daily temperature readings, allowing you to assess risks using a scoring algorithm.

Training & Compliance

Enable employees to stay up to date on new policies and guidelines related to workplace safety, and stay compliant with local laws and regulations.

Event Reporting

Enable employees to quickly report suspected workplace incidents related to COVID-19 directly from their mobile device.

Notifications and Alerts

Employees receive real-time alerts and notifications on social-distancing breach and other critical organization wide updates.

Training & Compliance

A centralized command center to monitor and respond based on employee screening and other critical data. Pre-configured reports help you monitor important metrics.


Keep your employees looped-in, always

People1 Care is mobile first, making all its features work for employees on the go where ever they are, anytime of the day.

People1 Care


See how People1 Care solution can solve your return-to-work challenges.